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MyTime Parent/Carer Support Group

  • The Inclusive Movement 7 Morse Court Karratha, WA, 6714 Australia (map)

Join us Tuesdays during school terms, from 9am-11am for our MyTime Parent/Carer Support Groups.

Are you a parent of a children with a developmental delay, disability, chronic illness, or currently going through the diagnosis process?

Our Mytime groups provide a safe space for parents and carers to share experiences, discuss topics of interest and connect with others who “get it” .

All members, new and returning, welcome!

When: Tuesdays, 9am-11am
Where: Welcome Lotteries House
What: Coffee and Chat, + facilitated play sessions for preschool aged children to provide parents a short break
Cost: FREE

10 February

Happy Hub Hangouts

6 March

Understanding my NDIS Plan Workshop