Disability Inclusion

Supporting and empowering people with disabilities through equity, inclusion, and belonging

A movement for change

The Inclusive Movement aims to educate and empower individuals and organisations by promoting community inclusion. Striving for positive health, lifestyle, and education outcomes for people with disabilities. We aim to create a more inclusive society by raising awareness, promoting understanding, and advocating for equal opportunities.

Advocates for disability inclusion

We firmly believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities and a sense of belonging. We work as inclusion advocates to drive social change and create inclusive spaces within our communities. Our focus is on fostering positive outcomes for people with disabilities by offering a range of services and initiatives.

Bridging the gap in inclusion

We offer a wide range of services designed to bridge the gap in inclusion. From capacity-building projects to individual and family services, disability education, and advocacy – we strive to create positive change by empowering individuals with disabilities.

Empowering Connections

Having a strong support system can help you navigate the challenges that come with having a disability. We are here to provide you with the resources and connections you need to build your support system.

By seeking out resources in your community and assisting you to build relationships with people who understand your unique experiences.

Quality and Inclusion, Assured

The Disability Service Standards (DSS) in Australia are a set of guidelines that outline the expectations of quality service delivery for people with disabilities. The standards were developed by the Australian Government and are designed to ensure that people with disabilities receive the same level of care and support as other members of the community.

At The Inclusive Movement, we are proud to adhere to these standards, placing the well-being and needs of individuals with disabilities at the forefront. Our commitment to delivering exceptional care and support sets us apart as a trusted provider in the industry.

Have peace of mind knowing that both you and your family will receive high-quality, inclusive services.

The Disability Service Standards (DSS)

  • a hand holding a sign saying your rights

    You have the right to be treated fairly when you use disability services.

  • a hand holding a sign saying inclusion

    You can take part in the community and feel included when you use disability services.

  • a hand holding a sign saying individual outcomes

    Your service supports you to make choices about what you want to do. You can work toward your goals.

  • a hand holding a sign saying feedback and complaints

    You can tell people what you think about the services you receive.

  • a hand holding a sign saying services access

    Finding and using services is fair. You can access the services you need.

Lived Experience

Our team of passionate highly skilled professionals not only bring their expertise but also possess lived experiences with disabilities. This unique combination empowers us to truly understand and empathize with the challenges and needs of individuals facing disabilities.

With this deep understanding, we can provide tailored solutions and address your specific requirements comprehensively and inclusively.

Our team's firsthand knowledge allows us to go beyond just meeting your expectations, but to truly make a positive impact on your experience.