Contact us.
Constructive feedback allows us to resolve any issues you may have and gives us an opportunity to improve the services that you receive.
It is usually best to communicate feedback directly with the person concerned, however, we understand that this may not always be possible.
You can provide feedback directly to our Director, Carol Hegan at or by phoning 0447 504 509
NDIS Feedback & Complaints
Contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
People with disability have the right to complain about the services they receive. Most NDIS providers do their best to provide quality supports and services to people with disability, but issues can occur.
If you have a concern about your current NDIS supports or services, it is important that you talk about it.
Complaints are important—they can help providers understand what is important to people with disability and improve the quality of services they provide, so your complaint can help other people too.
You may seek support from family, a friend or an independent advocate in making a complaint. For further information see: Disability Advocacy.
A complaint can be made to the NDIS Commission by:
Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
Completing a complaint contact form.